Enrolling Clinical Research Studies

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Plaque Psoriasis Studies

Upcoming and Future Studies

Sleep Apnea Studies

Sleep Apnea Studies

Sleep apnea studies may compensate you up to $1,800 to a debit card and include free sleep studies and study-related care.

We will contact you after your application with further questions to see if you qualify.  Please watch for a text from us with a link.

» Study Details | Apply for the Study



Compensation up to $3,500. Get paid per visit.

Recieving free background inahlers may keep you out of the "donut hole"

A study testing monoclonal antibodies for improvment in lung function

You may quality if :

  • 40-85 years of age
  • Have had COPD for at least 6 months
  • Currently recieving COPD treatment with puffers containing 2 or more medications
  • Have had 1 severe or 2 moderate exacerbations in the last 12 months

» Study Details | Apply for the Study



 Individuals who have Psoriasis may have: 

  • Red patches of skin covered with thick, silvery scales
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • Thickened, pitted or ridged nails
  • Itching, burning or soreness
  • Swollen and stiff joints

Qualified volunteers may receive:

  • Compensation up to $2,900
  • Free study-related care
  • Free access to investigational product

» Study Details | Apply for the Study

Future Studies
Keep Me in Mind for Future Studies!

Keep Me in Mind for Future Studies!

Would you like us to keep you in mind for future research studies that pay you?  Here at Noble Clinical Research, we get new clinical trials in roughly every month, and we'd be happy to reach out to you about new, high-paying studies as soon as they become available to you.

All of our studies compensate you money on a debit card for participating (compensation can range from $300 to $5,000+, depending on the study), if you're eligible.

All of our studies include ALL of the study-related care FREE to you.  No health insurance?  No problem--there is no insurance required or involved!

All of our studies are supervised by the FDA, which is responsible for ensuring patient safety.

Most of our studies have already been tested in human populations and found to be generally safe and well-tolerated in people like you--we will share details specific to each study!

Ironically, doing clinical trials with us gives you much more attention from our board-certified study doctors than you would get at a clinic you have to pay for.

Our cutting-edge clinical trials can give you access to next-generation treatments that you might not be able to get otherwise. 

Your participation is also super important for medicine and for everyone's health.  

» Study Details | Apply for the Study

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