Research Studies » Lung Disease Blood Screening after CT Scan

Lung Disease Blood Screening after CT Scan


 You recently had a CT (computed tomography) scan of your lungs that shows pulmonary nodule(s) (small growths or spots on your lungs).


Study Schedule

If you are not scheduled for a biopsy or other diagnostic procedure, your participation in the study is expected to last between 1 and 90 days, which is the time between you signing this document and providing a blood sample.

If you are scheduled for a biopsy or other diagnostic procedure, your participation in this study is expected to last between 1 and 30 days, which is the time between you signing this document and providing a blood sample.

You will have to come to the study center once during the study.



You do not have to pay for study visits or tests that are part of the study.


Compensation for Participation

For your participation, you will be paid $50.00 if you complete the study.

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